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Art Books by Gallimard x GrandPalaisRmn

Corot The memory of the landscape - Découvertes Gallimard (n° 277)


The old man in a smock who prepared his easel and brushes on a corner of the lawn: this is how the legend of Corot was forged, who practised open-air study until the end of his life. It is true, as he himself said at the beginning, Corot had only one aim, which was to paint landscapes. But once he had finished working from nature, in Italy, Fontainebleau, Ville d'Avray, Normandy, came the stage of recollection, in the studio. And it is here that Corot, giving a large place to the human figure, became the great painter of historical landscapes of the 19th century. Here again, through the imaginary recomposition of nature, he created a poetic universe of which the Souvenir de Mortefontaine is the emblematic image.

Vincent Pomarède and Gérard de Wallens are Corot's memorialists. New edition

French language
176 pages

Coédition Gallimard / Rmn - Grand Palais
Collection Découvertes Gallimard (n° 277)