Children's Books

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Children's Books

I am, Art in tiny steps - Orsay Museum

Written in French

My first art book designed as a reference base for toddlers, to be shared with the family; an introduction to art history!
Each title introduces 15 works of art from the museum, with a lexicon ranging from the very simple register of early childhood to a progressively more elaborate register.
"L'art à tout petits pas", a new collection of imagiers, from 2 years old, to discover, browse, have fun, explore, name, count; learn and grow, as you wander through the fabulous collections of the Musée d'Orsay.

Age 2 - 5 years old

In French
32 pages / 15 illustrations

Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais / Musée d'Orsay