Notebooks & Correspondence Pads
Notebook Louis Janmot - Flower of the Fields
This notebook was published on the occasion of the exhibition "To death, to life! Vanities of yesterday and today" at the Lyon Fine Arts museum from November 27th 2021 to May 7th 2022.
Louis Janmot (1814 - 1892)
Flower of the Fields (details), 1845 - Oil on wood H. 102,7 ; L. 83,1 cm - Purchased in 1893 - Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts © Photo, Lyon MBA, Alain Basset
This figure of a woman with a melancholic attitude, sitting in front of a landscape and holding freshly picked flowers, cultivates mystery. The precision with which the painter has depicted her face could suggest a portrait. However, the identity of her model remains unknown and her features seem both realistic and idealised.
Notebook - 64 ruled pages
Printed in France with respect of the environnementales conditions. Paper from sustainably managed forests