Art Books by Gallimard x GrandPalaisRmn

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Art Books by Gallimard x GrandPalaisRmn

Rubens. Portraits of Princes - Découvertes Gallimard Hors-série


From 1601 onwards, Rubens, a young and ambitious painter trained in Antwerp, criss-crossed Europe. Italy, Spain, France, England, among others, he passed through all the courts and frequented all the kings until he was entrusted with missions as a diplomat and secret negotiator.

If he wanted to be, first and foremost, the great illustrator of ancient history, myths and biblical texts, the artist, as a skilled courtier, offered the princes of Europe spectacular and penetrating portraits. Seeking a balance between his taste for splendor and the traditions of a coded genre, Rubens was also the most influential artist of his century in the art of portraiture.

French language
48 pages

Gallimard / Rmn - Grand Palais
Découvertes Gallimard Hors série