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Children's Books

The Night Odyssey - Arts and Sciences


The universe of the night is full of mysteries that fascinate scientists and artists: the rotation of the Earth, the Moon, the nocturnal adaptation of the living world, dreams...
Anchored in children's daily lives, night remains a complex phenomenon, a source of many questions and sometimes of anxiety. While exploring the way in which artists have dealt with this subject over the centuries and the symbolism used in their works, this album provides keys to understanding by introducing the young reader to various scientific disciplines such as astronomy and biology, as well as to the history of the sciences and techniques that have enabled Man to master the night.
All in emotion, the illustrations, supported by texts with an incisive rhythm, allow the child to find familiar landmarks, to mobilise the memory of scenes encountered in the course of their previous readings, and to apprehend new concepts by means of explanatory diagrams which make it possible to popularise and bring within reach sometimes complex scientific and artistic concepts.
From the naturalistic scenes of the Dutch painters to the romanticism of William Turner's twilight scenes, from Van Gogh's phantasmagorical vision of the Milky Way to the Surrealists' projection of the world of dreams, from the invention of public lighting to that of the cinematograph, and even to Jean-Michel Basquiat's graffiti, this album, aimed at curious 8 to 12 year olds, offers a true panorama of our nocturnal perceptions.

Age From 8 years old

French language
48 pages / 20 illustrations

Réunion de musées nationaux - Grand Palais / Palais de la découverte
Collection Arts et Sciences