Anne de Montmorency - Un homme de la Renaissance
Anne de Montmorency, born at Chantilly in 1493 and died in Paris in 1567, is Duke and peer of France, Marshal and Constable of France. This extremely powerful man who was a symbol of the French Renaissance, was a close friend of Francis 1st then Henri II.
The Montmorency House is one of the most powerful...
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Anne de Montmorency, born at Chantilly in 1493 and died in Paris in 1567, is Duke and peer of France, Marshal and Constable of France. This extremely powerful man who was a symbol of the French Renaissance, was a close friend of Francis 1st then Henri II.
The Montmorency House is one of the most powerful of the Kingdom and is located very close to the Royal family.
Anne is the Godson of Queen Anne of Brittany, who gave him his name. He was elevated to the Château of Amboise with the future King of France Francis I. It will be very attentive to the advice of Anne de Montmorency, both military crowned with success and great aesthetic, even if they know of disputes. Anne fought at the battle of Ravenna (1512) and Marignan (1515). Prisoner at Pavia in 1525 with the King, he is released and finds himself negotiator in the Treaty of Madrid (1526), which puts an end to the war François Ier and Charles Quint.
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