Postcard Cimabue - Detail of The Virgin and Child in Majesty (Maestà)
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Sold by GrandPalaisRmn
- Maintenance
- Store in a dry place, protected by a case or plastic bag
- Material of the original work
- Tempera sur fond d'or sur bois
- Theme
- Religions
- Engraving date
- 1275-1300
- Artist
- Cenni di Pepo, dit Cimabue (v. 1240-1302)
- Art movements
- Italian paintings, 13th Century
- Reference
- IC013495
- 3336729281015
- Matière de l'article
- Paper coated
- Model dimensions
- 10.5cm x 15cm
- Package Dimensions
- 10.5cm x 15cm
- Conservation museum
- Paris - Musée du Louvre