Praise for criticism
Written in French.
Texts selected and presented by Jacqueline Razgonnikoff
"An age that has no critics is an age in which art stands still. Oscar Wilde
From Montesquieu and Diderot to the great journalists of our time, via Grimod de La Reynière, Théophile Gautier, Charles Baudelaire, Jean Giraudoux...
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Written in French.
Texts selected and presented by Jacqueline Razgonnikoff
"An age that has no critics is an age in which art stands still. Oscar Wilde
From Montesquieu and Diderot to the great journalists of our time, via Grimod de La Reynière, Théophile Gautier, Charles Baudelaire, Jean Giraudoux, Roland Barthes, François-Régis Bastide and François Truffaut, this anthology offers a selection of lively texts in which critics question their commitment. The opinions answer each other, complement each other, and fight each other. In an age of "one-track thinking", it is still useful to defend the true "critical spirit"!
Written in French
79 pages
Éditions Rmn - Grand Palais
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