Glory to the princes, praise to the gods
Written in French.
From the 13th century onwards, North India was the scene of an eventful history made up of successive conquests, from which it was able to enrich itself while preserving its original values. The music played at the court of the Delhi Sultanate was then essentially Arabo-Persian, imported...
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Written in French.
From the 13th century onwards, North India was the scene of an eventful history made up of successive conquests, from which it was able to enrich itself while preserving its original values. The music played at the court of the Delhi Sultanate was then essentially Arabo-Persian, imported and performed by foreign musicians. With the expansion of the Muslim hegemony over a major part of the peninsula, the dominant culture adapted to the various regional identities and gradually, a musical expression emerged during the following centuries, resulting from the meeting of the Indian and Persian worlds.
Written in French.
240 pages
Co-publishing Rmn - Grand Palais / Cité de la musique
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