Portrait of Rubens

Engraving Portrait of Rubens

Print by the engraver Georges Fouquet-Dorval (active at the beginning of the 20th century) from the work of Pierre-Paul Rubens.
Sold by Réunion des Musées Nationaux


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Eviter toute source d'humidité et de lumière directe. Ne pas plier la feuille
76 x 56 cm
Petrus Paulus Rubens (1577-1640)
Matière de l'article
Papier hahnemühle
Package Dimensions
5.6cm x 7.6cm
Ateliers d'art de la Rmn-GP
Conservation museum
Paris - Chalcographie du musée du Louvre

Our selection


The work and its artist

Petrus Paulus Rubens (1577-1640)

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) was born in Westphalia to settle in Cologne where his family of Antwerp origin fled religious persecutions. He was taught painting from the age of 13 years. In 1598, he joined the country at the forefront of the fine arts: Italy. Conquered by the splendors of the Renaissance, he reconciles his various sources of inspiration in a style that represents the apogee of European Baroque. Until 1608, he will be in the service of the Duke de Mantoue while immersing himself among the great before eventually returning to Antwerp. He makes beautiful paintings such as "The Adoration of the Magi". But the most famous representative of the Flemish Baroque continues to travel across Europe for diplomacy missions, always producing masterpieces such as the "Judgment of Paris" or the "Three Graces".