Small Notebooks

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Small Notebook Mucha - Red Decorative Documents
Small Notebooks

Small Notebook Mucha - Red Decorative Documents

The Mucha Foudation and the Rmn-Grand Palais have joigned together to create a great collection of stationery inspired by the iconic Czech decorative artist Alphonse Mucha in le Paris de la Belle Époque.

Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939)
Decorative motifs published by the Librairie centrale des beaux-arts, Paris, 1902.
Plate 29. ColoUr lithograph. H. 46; W. 33 cm. Mucha Trust Collection
© Photo Mucha Trust 2021

Small Notebook, 10 x 16 cm (3.9 x 6.3 ") - 56 ruled pages
Printed in France in compliance with environmental standards