A New Look at Jan Van Eyck. The Madonna of Chancellor Rolin

A New Look at Jan Van Eyck. The Madonna of Chancellor Rolin

March 20, 2024 June 17, 2024 Exhibition has ended
To celebrate the historic conservation work carried out on Jan van Eyck's masterpiece - the first intervention of its kind since the painting entered the museum in 1800 - the Louvre has decided to dedicate the first spotlight exhibition to be held in the Salle de la Chapelle since 2014 to Chancellor Rolin in Prayer before the Virgin and Child, also known as the Madonna of Chancellor Rolin. The layers of oxidised varnish that had darkened the paint were stripped away, restoring the work to its former glory.
Panoramic Postcards

Postcard Rogier Van Der Weyden - Portrait of the donor Nicolas Rolin, shutter exterior

ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN (circa 1399-1464)
Nicolas Rolin at prayer (detail). Outer panel of the left flap of the Last Judgment altarpiece, circa 1443-1451.
Oak. H. 130 ; W. 82 cm. Beaune, hospices de l'hôtel-Dieu.
© Photo Fondation Factum pour les Hospices civils de Beaune
© GrandPalaisRmnCréations, Paris 2024.
Made in France
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