Olympism Modern Invention, Ancient Legacy

Olympism Modern Invention, Ancient Legacy

April 24, 2024 September 16, 2024
Among the cultural events designed to accompany the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris is an exhibition at the Louvre on the creation of the first modern Olympic Games. Visitors will discover how the Games came into being in the late 19th century: the political context of the time, the iconographic sources on which they were based, and how the organisers set out to recreate the sporting competitions of ancient Greece.
Greek Art


This is reproduction of a bronze prototype by Myron of Eleutherae, a Greek sculptor born in Attica bduring the fifth century BC.
The Discobole is one of the most famous statues of Antiquity.

Greek sculptures.

The athlete is bending forward. His whole body leans on his right leg and his right arm reaches out behind him. He holds the disc he is about to throw.
His position is as dynamic as it is balanced and captures a vivid movement that suggests tension and energy.
The Discobole will be copied many times in Roman art and announces the most beautiful realisations of classical art.
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